What are the Sustainable Development Goals?

The Sustainable Development Goals (global goals) as a package is a universal call aiming to end poverty, protect the planet, provide well-being and peace for all.

On the one hand, 17 universal goals are built on Millennium Development Goals, on the other hand, they include new fields such as climate change, economic inequalities, inovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice. All goals are interrelated with each other; the aim is to address multifaced problems together.   

SDGs have been followed by collaboration and pragmatism for taking right decisions today to improve sustainable living conditions for next generations. For all countries, goals provide an open policy guidance on environmental problems firstly for themselves and secondly for the world. SDGs are inclusive and on the agenda. They go forward to the real roots of poverty and bring us together to make a positive change for people and planet. Administer of UNDP, Helen Clark, recognizes 2030 Agenda as the first priority because SDGs provide a common plan and agenda to solve problems such as poverty, climate change, conflicts and other difficulties that the world faces with. UNDP is seen as an actor having experience and expertise to support countries and provide improvements in line with sustainablity.